Tom McNichols brings an eclectic mix of skills to
The Wood Lab.
As a child watching This Old House, Tom built the fort that was the envy of kids on Plattsburgh Air Force Base. By college he was building for friends and family and following graduate school, when not on the road touring as an opera singer, he formalized this work as Minor Adjustments Custom Woodworking.

For 5 years of those tour lulls, a commercial builder took Tom under his wing in his shop and taught him the finer aspects of the craft. Together they produced a variety of commissions. All the while his singing career grew and he moved to Manhattan in September of 2008. Considering how to maintain dreams that always included singing, Tom became a real estate broker. For nearly a decade he has served a loyal referral base in NYC. Consistently, these same clients asked for referrals to trusted contractors.

Fast forward a few years filled with the inability to produce woodworking referrals, a phone call to a scarcely viewed marketing video to sell a complete shop via YouTube, mix in a handful of serendipitous twists later; Tom was the proud new owner of the shop formerly known as Architectural Innovations in Monroe, CT.
A few months of retrofitting later, The Wood Lab was up and running in its new home in the Adirondacks.
Keenly designed to maintain multiple projects, each with complete capacity throughout all processes simultaneously, The Wood Lab is here to help.